On the first night after a baby is born, or the same night that the birth
takes place, the mother or father (or midwife, if she is a close friend or
relative) should take the infant out under the stars. The child should first
be held up to the sky, saying:
"O Lady of the Starry Heavens, Wise All-Father, Behold this lovely child ________. Conceived and brought forth in love." Place the child on the ground briefly, saying: "Hail Earth, Mother of All. This is my infant, my love, and my jewel. Bless and protect him/her, granting your enduring and eternal strength, and steadfastness. May he/she ever have a spirit that seeks the stars, and roots deep within thy loving breast." One should then clasp the child close and look about for a few minutes, for those who are gifted with second sight are often able at this time to see prophesies for the child or the mother. |