Welcome to The Order of the Crimson Rose!
Greetings to you, wanderer. We bid you welcome and invite you to enjoy the peace and safety of our quiet corner of the Web of Knowledge.

Prevent Child Abuse!The Order of the Crimson Rose is starting to get things together for our (soon to be) Annual Charity Fundraiser . No, the charity isn't us! A portion of the proceeds from this year's event will go towards Child Abuse Prevention. As you may or may not know, Child Abuse Prevention Month 2000 begins this April, and our fundraiser will be ongoing throughout that month. To learn more about what you can do, how to participate, or simply to learn more about child abuse prevention, click here.

As you can see, if you have been here before, things at our site have been drastically changed! We finally have done away with that horrible sidebar idea, smashing our frames forever....not that we expect to hear any complaints about that.


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Unless otherwise noted, all content on these pages is © 1999, 2000 The Order of The Crimson Rose. For rules of use, please read our User Agreement.