Performing a chakra stone layout brings harmony and balance to the body's
energy field. This layout requires any group of seven stones that correspond
to the color frequencies of the seven chakras listed below. Place additional
stones around a specific chakra point to attenuate the healing force. For
example, if mental clarity is desired, place more stones on the brow chakra;
if healing an emotional hurt, add stones around the heart chakra.
The chakra stone layout is a great revitalizer. Find a quiet place to lie
down; place the stones on the corresponding chakras; visualize the position
of each stone and draw its color into your body as you inhale; feel the color
penetrate and dissolve energy blocks; let go on any tension as you exhale.
Tune in to each chakra point and note sensations or intuitive information
coming from that area. Our bodies contain the key to our healing process.
Feel, listen, and trust the information received. After 15-30 minutes, arise
and feel renewed.
Working with stones can enhance daily life. For instance, when taking a risk,
use stones to relating to the root and navel chakras to help you stay grounded
and in touch with your personal power. If practicing verbalizing your feelings,
carry or wear stones relating to the throat and heart chakras as a reminder
of personal expression. Place brow chakra stones where you work to aid mental
abilities such as organization and concentration. For more information on
the use of stones for healing and self-developmenr, read these authors: Bravo,
Chocron, Cunningham, Katz, Llewellyn, Mella, Raphaell, Silbey, and Stein.
Body Parts: base of spine & groin points
Affects: survival, grounding, Kundalini
Colors: black, brown, deep red
Stones: obsidian, onyx, tourmaline, hematite,
smoky quartz, agate, petrified wood, bloodstone,
cat's eye, jasper
Body Parts: pelvic area
Affects: sexuality,creativity
Colors: red, orange
Stones: garnet, ruby, red coral, carnelian,
Madiera citrine, and fire opal
Body Parts: umbilical point, solar plexus
Affects: willpower, courage, well-being
Colors: gold, yellow, yellow-green
Stones: tiger's eye, topaz, amber, citrine, calcite,
fluorite, peridot, apatit
Body Parts: center of chest
Affects: feelings, identity
Colors: green, pink
Stone: adventurine, malachite, amazonite, rose
quartz, tourmaline, rhodochrosite
Body Parts: base of neck
Affects: ability to hear and speak the truth
Colors: blue/green, light blue
Stones: turquoise, chrysocolla, aquamarine,
blue lace agate, topaz, iolite, fluorite
SIXTH/third eye
Body Parts: center of brow
Affects: intuition, intellect
Colors: indigo, deep purple
Stones: sodalite, lapis, azurite, indicolite,
amethyst, sugalite, fluorite
Bopy Parts: top of head or slightly above
Affects: spirituality, highest wisdom, universality
Colors: light purple, white, clear
Stones: amethyst, suglite, fluorite, lepodolite,
moonstone, pearl, selenite, opal, howlite, clear
quartz, diamond, vircon, calcite
Additional Color Qualities
BLACK grounding, protection, releasing, mastery, dark moon
BROWN earth energy, contacting spirit guides,
financial success, healing, animals, the home
RED life force, survival, passion, purifying,
circulation, heat, lust, strength, courage, power, sexual potency
ORANGE sexuality, creativity, fertility, pride,
vitality, legal matters, success
GOLD good luck, overcoming obtacles, intuition,
YELLOW confidence, courage, will power, action,
choices, divination, psychic powers, mental powers, wisdoms, visions
GREEN prosperity,hermony, growth, rejuvination,
balance, healing, money, luck, fertility, beauty, employment, youth
PINK love, trust, peace, indentity, feelings,
relationships, emotional love, fidelity, friendships
BLUE communications, loyalty, hope, expression,
cooling, healing, sleep, peace
INDIGO psychic opening, insight, focusing,
intellect, meditation
PURPLE spirituality, serenity, enlightenment,
inspiration, power, exorcism, healing
WHITE collective consciousness, clarity, vision,
dreams, full moon, protection, peace, purification, chastity, happiness,
healing, gossip, spirituality