Rock Seeing

This is a bit of experience from a recent workshop, where rocks were used to answer a question. But first, you need a question (have it in mind when you head out wherever you're going), and then you need a rock...

The descriptive size is "2-fist sized" or "grapefruit" sized. It should not be a crystal, and does not have to be round. Best place to find one is to go out in the "wilderness" (anywhere not overly populated with cement products) and let one call to you. Ask the rock spirit for permission to remove it (if you intend to). Usually it's enough just to carry it to where you can sit comfortably.

Place your rock on the ground in front of you, and ask it the question that you have on your mind. Be focused - one question per rock, please! Now, without moving the rock, look at the surface on top. What do you see there? (It helps to write down your question - so you won't forget or change it - and also write down the things you see.). There might be the pattern of a leaf on the rock. Or a face. Or an animal. Whatever it is, it is an ANSWER, somehow to your question. Write down what you see, and don't try to interpret it yet. You will take four "spirits" from this rock face.

When you have four on side one, turn it over and do the same on side 2. Same question, and write down the things you see. If you're getting too many of one thing, or you REALLY want to get into it, do the other sides, if the rock will sit that way.

When you have all the information written down. Go back to the first side, look at each symbol, at what you wrote down, and ask yourself how it is an answer to your question. Write down what you think. When you've written down the answer that each one of the things is, then try to put them all together (a side at a time, perhaps) into a summary of what the answer is to your question.

When you're done with the rock, return it to its place with thanks, along with an offering (usually of tobacco and silk ribbon).

As you can see, you can get a lot of information from a rock! Just be open to what comes, and let your feeling guide you. This is no place to rationalize the symbols on a rock's skin!

This method can be used for any kind of question, except that yes/no questions really are harder to interpret. Too many symbols could mean yes AND no! How, why, where, and who questions are easiest for the rock to answer (and for other allies, as well). Time means very little to a rock, so avoiding "when" questions is wise unless you plan to live 900 years...

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