Bedtime Prayers

A Child's Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to rest.

I pray that all the world be blest.

Lady Moon and Sister Star

Watch over me from afar.

Mother Earth is always there

And keeps me safe within her care.

The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing

And happy dreams will to me bring.

And when I wake to greet the day

Brother Sun will light my way.

A Child's Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to bed.

Goddess, bless my sleepy head.

Water, Earth, Air and Fire,

Bring sweet dreams as I retire.

And when the morning sun does rise,

The God will bless my open eyes.

A Caim Prayer

The Mighty Three

My protection be

Encircling me

You are around

My life, my home

Encircling me

O Sacred Three

The Mighty Three

The Lady's Prayer

Our Mother,

Who art amongst us,

Hallowed is Thy presence.

Our realm is here,

We sense Thee near,

On Earth,

which is our living Heaven.

Teach us this day to bake our bread,

And accept us in our human-nessAs we accept each other,

in spite of our limitations.

Lead us not into domination,

But empower us to freedom.

For ours is this Air,

This Fire,

This Water,

This Earth,

Forever and Ever.

Blessed Be.

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