Howlite - Larimar

HOWLITE- A simple, gentle white stone that calms, soothes, and reduces tension. It also aids sleep and helps access wisdom from the dream state. Howlite is excellent for bones and pregnancy and nursing women because of its high calcium content. Use it to enhance integrity -- the cornerstone of character.



IOLITE- This is an indigo colored stone which is useful in working with the third eye chakra. It can help to open and expand psychic abilities, encourage psychic exploration, enhance curiousity, and guide you through spiritual beginnings and growth.
This lovely throat chakra stone is also known as water sapphire. Its color ranges from deep blue to violet. Iolite was used by the Vikings as a navigational tool; hence, it is a good stone for traveling and acquiring direction. Hold iolite during meditation for clarity, harmony and inner vision.



JADE- This smooth, sensual stone has always been valued by the Chinese and is still the most popular stone for Oriental jewelry and carvings. The ancients used jade to assure a long and healthy life and peaceful death. Jade was also exchanged between lovers and friends to strengthen relationships. It is said that holding this stone during business transactions inspires quick and precise decisions.
Green jade grants wisdom when placed against the third eye chakra (on the forehead). Attracts love, and is useful for protection. This gem can actually help the body to heal itself. It is used to help treat heart, kidney, and stomach disorders.



JASPER- Found in a wide range of colors -- brown, red, and green are the most common. Jasper has been used in magick since early times. Considered a "survival" stone, it promotes clear thinking and helps restrain desires and whims that could lead to hazardous situations. Carry or wear jasper as a protective shield to ricochet negativity back to its sender.



JET- A compressed form of coal produced from fossilized trees. This lustrous black stone is receptive and, therefore, absorbs energies. It is particularly useful in dealing with fear. Similar to amber, jet is very light yet tough in texture. A protective stone used by many cultures, jet was carved into talisman, amulets, fetishes, and crosses. Its many uses included keeping one safe on journeys, guarding against violence, and healing illness.



KUNZITE- A pale pink to violet-colored stone with parallel striations. Relating to the center chakra, kunzite encourages contact with the deepest self and opens the heart to its infinite source of love. Use this stone to induce relaxation and to find comfort and joy.



KYANITE- A blue striated stone that aligns and opens the chakras. Kyanite calms the whole being within emphasis on the throat and the brow. It helps focus anger and frustration bringing mental clarity. Kyanite lends order and structure to the thought process but also has compassionate overtones.



LABRADORITE- This feldspar, also known as Spectrolite, displays a dazzling iridescence on a dark murky background. The fiery colors can only be seen when light strikes the stone from a particular direction. Work with labradorite to reveal hidden talents. A stone of growth and transcendence, labradorite symbolizes how radiance and beauty shine from within.
This awesome stone comes from the sun/moonstone family. The stone is a opaque smoky quartz color, but when rotated in sunlight, has flashes of vivid green, blue, red, yellow, orange, and gold. This stone carries some of the properties from both the moon and the sun. Helps in opening the heart chakara in order to more readily receive love. Increases inner strength and convictions, as well as promoting courage. Draws success to the ower's life. Greatly enhances dreaming, and the ability to remember the content of the dreams during the waking hours. Also helps to enhance all forms of perception during the day. The stone may be more powerful in one area than another, dependant upon what color the "flash" is. (see color magick for more). This is a fantastic stone to acquire, and then to continue to carry or use throughout one's life - as the results of the stone's energies continue to build and each result enhances the next result.



LAPIS LAZULI- Has always been a symbol of power and royalty. Lapis represents the journey into darkness and illusion in search of the Higher Self. The flecks of gold symbolize the wisdom achieved during the process. This stone aids mental and spiritual cleansing, the ability to purge that which is no longer useful.
This stone is useful in improving emotional, physical, spiritual and psychic conditions. It relieves depression while promoting peace. Lapis is excellent for use in divination. Place this stone on your altar while scrying, gazing, or reading the Tarot or runes. Lapis is very protective and also promotes courage. Can be used to draw spiritual love to oneself, and is a powerful fidelity charm.



LARIMAR- This turquoise cousin come from the Caribbean Sea. Its cool blue rays represent peace and help calm the emotions. Larimar links the mind, voice, and heart enabling one to speak the truth. Wear the stone to promote acceptance, unconditional love and serenity.


Agate - Blue Lace Agate

Calcite - Eilat Stone

Elestial Crystal - Herkimer Diamonds

Howlite - Larimar

Laser Wands - Peridot

Petrified Wood - Rutilated Quartz

Sapphire - Tektite

Tiger's Eye - Unakite

Gemstone & Mineral Uses Index