Petrified Wood - Rutilated Quartz

PETRIFIED WOOD- Fossilized over thousands of years, this stone represents longevity and evolution. Petrified wood aids past life recall and helps deflect negativity. Carry this stone for steady footing. Place in work settings to reduce stress and rejuvenate the senses.



PYRITE- The name derived from the Greek word meaning fire. Pyrite suns (dating back 350 million years) are found compressed between layers of shale in Illinois coal mines. This yellow ore also forms in cubes and rhomboidal clusters. Known as "fools gold", pyrite is said to bring money and luck. It possesses grounding qualities because of its weight. Use a cluster to expand mental capacity and a sun for meditational focus.



QUARTZ CRYSTAL- Conducts and amplifies energy. Natural crystal attunes itself to human vibrations, forming a spiritual link when worn or held. Crystals are useful for personal transformation. To program a crystal, hold it between your palms and focus on what you need. The stone will store and amplify these thought energies. Clear crystal points with cloudy bases symbolize the struggle for clarity.
This stone has the ability to be programmed with the powers of any other stone, and then substituted for that stone in any ritual. Great for psychism and as a general magickal power amplifier. Can be used to relieve headaches, reduce fevers and calm toothaches. Great for use in building a magick circle.



QUARTZ WITH CHLORIDE- A scenic display of chloride and clay suspended in quartz crystal. The possessor of such a crystal will be guided toward an intimate relationship with nature, receiving insights for healing the earth and oneself. Excellent stone to practice accessing information through the heart and third eye.


RED JASPER- Known to promote beauty and grace. Believe it or not, it can ease the pain of childbirth!!! Protective and especially useful in defensive magick -- use this stone to send negativity directed at you back to the original sender. Increases mental processes and forms a barrier against dangerous desires and whims. Also a great all-around good luck stone.


RED TIGER'S EYE- A deep red stone similar to hawk's eye and golden tiger's eye, this root chakra stone helps us to revitalize our life force. We are reminded to maintain a passionate interest in all aspects of life. Hold a red tiger's eye and feel the power interconnectedness with our roots, tribe and culture.



RHODOCHROSITE- Exists in a variety of forms and colors ranging from translucent red crystals to other shades of pink and peach to opaque forms with swirls and patterns. This stone is a good energy conductor for it has a copper content. The pink tones warm and soothe the heart arousing feelings of love, softness and compassion.
This beautiful pink stone is a powerful love drawing amulet. It is wonderful for soothing the mind, body, and emotions. Can give the body extra strength during strenuous activity. It has also been used to increase beauty, especially the skin and complexion.


RHODONITE- Promotes peace, happiness, joy and laughter. Excellent stone to use in smoothing over relationship difficulties. Clears the mind of confusion and doubt. Rhodonite is a very calming stone, and helps to promote balance.


ROSE QUARTZ- Cornerstone for the heart chakra. Rose quartz energy represents fulfillment and inner peace. The soft, soothing pink color comforts and heals wounds of the heart. Use rose quartz to learn about self-love and celebrate relationships with others.
The definitive stone for love rituals. This stone can be used to open to heart chakra. It is extremely love attracting. It also promotes peace, happiness, and fidelity in established relationships.



RUBY- The most precious of red gems, this root chakra stone represents strength, compassion, and life force. An intense blood purifier, ruby aids immunity against disease. It also arouses passion and enhances physical vitality. Modern testing has proven that the ruby does indeed give off heat. For some wearers, ruby changes in appearance when danger or illness threatens.
With its beautiful red color, the ruby is quite useful in love magick, especially for spells involving sexual love (increasing one's desire, etc.) and lust. Rubies are also useful in promoting courage and increasing energy.



RUTILATED QUARTZ- Clear to smoky quartz crystal containing golden or reddish rutile fibers. The fibers bear cross-current electrical charges, increasing the power of the crystal. Rutilated quartz helps the body build healthy cells and tissue. Place on the solar plexus to transform anxiety and fear into courageous action.


Agate - Blue Lace Agate

Calcite - Eilat Stone

Elestial Crystal - Herkimer Diamonds

Howlite - Larimar

Laser Wands - Peridot

Petrified Wood - Rutilated Quartz

Sapphire - Tektite

Tiger's Eye - Unakite

Gemstone & Mineral Uses Index